Do you need to measure the concentration of NaOH?
NaOH is a major building block in various chemical processes. In the manufacturing of other chemicals, soaps, detergents, textiles, paints, glass and ceramics or for water treatment and CIP processes, it is used in different concentrations. Accurate control of the required NaOH concentration is important and can easily be accomplished with the superb Anton Paar density sensor L-Dens 7400 Version INC or sound velocity sensor L-Sonic 5100 Version MON.
Concentration measurement of aqueous NaOH solutions
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as caustic soda, is a strong base, which is highly soluble in water. It forms an alkaline solution when dissolved in water and is one of the strongest bases commonly used in industry.
For aqueous NaOH solutions, there is a very good correlation between concentration and density or sound velocity values, making both density and sound velocity measurement ideal for accurate concentration measurements.
Accuracies are achieved as a percentage of concentration by using either the L-DENS 7400 density sensor or the L-SONC 5100 Sound Velocity sensor. The Anton Paar solutions are unrivalled when one considers the price versus accuracy.
It is also important to note that the sensors are delivered with specific concentration formulas embedded into the PICO 3000 electronics at your specific measurement range for optimal performance. The devices are available with a variety of different communication protocols such as 4-20mA, Ethernet IP, PROFINET I/O, Profibus DP etc.
Benefits of our Process Sensors
- Linear correlation between NaOH concentration and density or sound velocity – a conductivity measurement shows a reversal point at approx. 15% NaOH
- Quality and safety checks at NaOH deliveries
- Real-time monitoring of NaOH concentrations for reduction of production and recovery costs
To read more about Process Sensors, click here.
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About Anton Paar
Founded in 1922 in Graz (Austria) by Anton Paar, the company is the world market leader in the measurement of density and concentration, the determination of dissolved carbon dioxide, and in the fields of rheometry and viscometry. Anton Paar’s customers include most of the major beer and soft drink manufacturers worldwide as well as companies active in the food, chemicals, petroleum, and pharmaceutical industries.
Established as a one-man locksmith’s workshop, the corporation strives to combine high-precision manufacturing with the latest scientific achievements; the Anton Paar GmbH invests 16% of the annual turnover in research. Currently, the company offers more than 170 analytical solutions that are produced almost exclusively within the company.
The Anton Paar Group is active in more than 110 countries with 32 sales subsidiaries and nine producing firms in Europe and the US. Meanwhile, more than 3,500 employees in a worldwide network of research and development, production, sales, and support are responsible for the quality, reliability, and service of products made by Anton Paar. Since 2003, the Charitable Santner Foundation has been the owner of Anton Paar. It is dedicated exclusively and directly to charitable purposes. In 2019, the company generated net sales revenue of €411m.