Endress+Hauser specialises in innovative hygiene products to increase productivity and reduce costs for global and local food producers in the food industry.
Hygiene regulation services for the food industry
Endress+Hauser offers the highest-quality technology available for food and beverage applications, supported by a wide network of food processing engineers.
Endress+Hauser meet global hygiene regulations for food safety with robust products. Traceable and accredited calibration services are available at specific facilities and labs.
Real-time, accurate data from critical process points is offered, saving money on raw materials, water, energy and labour, with no interruption in production.
Pressure monitoring and data recording devices
Endress+Hauser provides quality guidance for the optimum use of products from a network of global and local experts who offer support throughout the entire lifecycle.
The company offer certified hygienic products that meet European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and EN1935/2004 standards to ensure food safety and reliability.
Endress+Hauser provide a wide range of food processing products designed for:
- Analysis: Memosens, Liquiline, pH sensor Tophit CPS491, Smartec CLD134, CLD 18, COS22, and ISFET CPS471
- Pressure monitoring: Cerabar M, PMP, PMC, Cerabar T and Ceraphant
- Temperature checks: Quickneck, QuickSens, iTherm TM411, TMR1135 and iTherm
- Flow measurement: PromagH100, Promass I, Promass 83F, Promass S, Heartbeat technology and Ethernet IP
- Level monitoring: Deltapilot FMB50, Deltapilot FMB70, levelflex, Liquipoint FTW33, Liquiphant FTL50H and Micropilot FMR52
- Data recording: RSG30/35/40, Energycal, FMS621, FML621 and FMD621
Onsite and laboratory calibration services
In addition to products, Endress+Hauser offers calibration management, onsite and laboratory calibration, maintenance, and engineering services for the food industry.
Food safety is guaranteed by certified hygienic design technology, which helps to reduce losses in face shift and enables easier cleaning.
Recorder and control system solutions
Food quality and safety is ensured through use of best certified hygienic designs, traceably documentation, calibration, good manufacturing practices and quality assurance.
An audit trail and traceability is supported by recorder and control system-based solutions. The company also specialises in resource conservation and sustainability initiatives are supported using tailored technology and solutions.
The company’s services support hygiene regulations and food safety for beverage producers in more than 100 countries.